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2 Pack Solar Powered Led Shed Light Bulb Portable Lantern Lamp with Panel for Indoor Outdoor Kitchen Garden Patio Yard Hiking Camping Tent Fishing

Disponibilidad: En stock

Marca: Coogon

Peso con empaque: 0.680 kg

Producto sin devolución

Producto de: Vendedor Verificado

Portable - You can carry solar light to anywhere after fully charged. Support Micro USB Charging! Brightness - Solar light high brightness up to 110 Lumens with 12 LED Beads Eco-friendly - solar light is based on solar energy, which is clean, endless and environmentally friendly. During the day, when there is the sun, the solar panel can convert solar energy into electrical energy and store it in the battery. The charged bulb can be used as a mobile lighting lamp. Convenience -The photovoltaic panel can be fixed in the roof or a sufficiently sunny place, insert the wire into a room, so that you can charge it at home every time Energy-saving - solar light has long life expectancy, low power consumption, rechargeable. The system is mainly composed of solar panels, light sources, and batteries.

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SKU: 841062_8d1a9f48

Precio: U$S 15.75 $ 710

Ahorras: U$S 2.11 (9%) $ 90 (9%)

U$S 13.64

$ 620

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Más detalles del producto

Solar bulb with solar panel, LED bulb, ABS white light, battery hook design, solar light for emergency camping, tent. Features Versatile light: ideal for home lighting, camping, cooking, working, reading, emergencies and power outages. This versatile solar bulb is perfect for a variety of activities and situations, providing reliable illumination whenever you need it. POLYCRYSTALLINE SOLAR PANEL: The highly efficient solar panel quickly converts sunlight into energy for fast charging, ensuring continuous illumination during emergencies. GREEN ENERGY: This solar bulb is designed to be energy efficient, with a long life span and low power consumption, saving you on electricity costs. Hook design: the hook allows you to easily hook the bulb onto tents or tree branches, freeing your hands and providing convenient lighting wherever you go. Portable and lightweight: With its compact size and lightweight design, this solar light bulb is easy to carry and transport, making it a must-have tool for outdoor adventures and emergencies. Specifications : item type : solar bulb Material Light source: white light Control: button on the top Package list:2 x Bulb x Pane

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